Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is an intentional time of Spirit-led guidance with a spiritual director where one’s relationship with God is the primary focus. Spirit-led listening reflects, clarifies, and provides insight as a person shares the activity of God in their life. If living in the fullness of God’s love is the goal, then spiritual direction enables us to discern God in every aspect of our lives – God’s meticulous and gentle gifts discovered moment by moment. God is a relational God and gives us the gift of contemplative relationships that help us move us closer to His heart.

"Fix your eyes on what is unseen"

2 Corinthians 4:18

Through a deep reliance on the unseen Holy Spirit and the physical use of kinesiology muscle testing we go to the Throne Room where the Lord wants to bring forth health and healing within you. Together with the Holy Spirit we dig deep within the body to release holds from past trauma that create dis- ease within the body, mind, & spirit.

This process brings forth changes when the hurtful thoughts, emotions, energy, vibrations and strongholds are released. Once this is done you’ve created room for Truth to take residence in the prior trauma strains of your inmost being.

My purpose is to hold a space In LOVE for you to develop a healthy soul. Breaking the oppression that has lead to unhealthy behavior modifications resulting in FREEDOM…

Freedom from..





Emotional, verbal, physical, religious Trauma

And even healing to your physical body

My prayer is that you may come to know Jesus as the safe haven in which you are purposefully and uniquely created to dwell, and the place where all your soul’s longings can be discovered, heard, accepted, loved and healed.

What happens in a SOUL SESSION?

A typical session is around 60 minutes in length and can occur in person, over the phone, via Zoom or FaceTime. You may be asked to prepare for your session in quiet, centering yourself to meet with God or let me know whatever has been on your mind since our last session. Wherever you are on your journey, whatever you have been wrestling with is most often the starting point in your session. The Lord will meet you right there.  A session may begin or end in silence or prayer or a scripture may be read. From this point on, the Spirit is our guide.

How often do sessions occur?

Most sessions occur once a week, although based on your need and schedule, they can happen more often or less frequently. Some prefer to schedule their sessions on a regular basis while others schedule with their director as needed.

*blog posted by Shurayah Wilkerson at Throne room therapy. To begin your training to become a spiritual director, visit her at www.throneroomtherapy.com

Contact me for a free consultation 

Contact The Inner Revival

Ready to experience the transformative benefits of energy healing, spiritual direction, or sound bowl therapy? Get in touch with The Inner Revival today. Fill out the form below to learn more about my services or schedule a session.