Privacy Policy

Confidentiality Agreement

All information shared in spiritual direction sessions or body code sessions is sacred, confidential, and will not be disclosed by me to anyone except under legal obligation.

By scheduling an appointment with me, you agree to this disclosure.

Emotion and body code sessions may be done proxy, by phone, or in person, as first arranged with the practitioner. Results are not guaranteed and will vary per person, per session. I do not offer a refund policy. All purchased sessions must be completed within two weeks from time of purchase unless otherwise discussed with the practitioner. Sessions must be paid at the end or start of the session in order to remain a client.

Spiritual Direction Agreement

As your spiritual director, I believe I have been called and affirmed to companion people who desire to explore and deepen their relationship with God. It is my passion to offer sacred space to people of all ages who long to find satisfaction in God’s unconditional love and acceptance. My prayer is that you may come to know the Triune God as the safe haven in which you are purposefully and uniquely created to dwell, and the place where your soul’s longings can be discovered, heard, accepted, and loved.

It is understood that as your spiritual director, I am not trained to offer counseling or psychotherapy and cannot provide such services. It is my responsibility to maintain and preserve my spiritual health to serve you in excellence, through personal practices of spiritual direction and ongoing discipleship.

Each 45-50 min. spiritual direction session intends to focus on your relationship with God through your everyday life and experiences. Within each session, it is my task to listen for the active movement of God in your life. The Spirit is our guide for each session's agenda and we simply get to follow. Growth will happen in between sessions. Therefore, your commitment to spiritual direction indicates your regular commitment to prayer, in whatever form is most natural to you. It is my role to help you establish prayer practices that work in your current season. We will regularly revisit how our sessions are serving you.

I will never acknowledge working with you, without your consent, should we cross paths in person or social media. If our paths crossing becomes uncomfortable for you, it is your responsibility to talk with me about it.

Spiritual direction fees are payable at the close of each session. You may do so via cash, credit or debit card via website, or cash app at $rmnmcm. I will begin and end our session on time to the best of my ability and expect the same in return. Should we need to cancel or reschedule, we will honor each other by doing so with a 24 hour notice. Without prior notification, you agree to pay your fee as usual.

Spiritual direction may be discontinued at any time, by either party, at which time advanced notice would be given.